How Can Agitation In TACs Headaches Disorders Be Managed?

TACs headaches are not considered to be life threatening, they can be seriously disruptive and impact on quality of life, often causing distress and agitation.

Amethyst Radiotherapy News  |  January 6, 2025

How Can Agitation In TACs Headaches Disorders Be Managed?

Trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (TACs) are a group of headache disorders that cause acute pain on one side of the head, in the trigeminal nerve area, often radiating from behind the eye. Although these headaches are not considered to be life threatening, they can be seriously disruptive and impact on quality of life, often causing distress and agitation.

Here is a look at some of the coping strategies that may help people who suffer from these rare but debilitating disorders.

What are trigeminal autonomic cephalgias?

The main subtypes of TACs include cluster headaches, Paroxysmal Hemicrania, Hemicrania Continua, and Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform Headache Attacks with Conjunctival Injection and Tearing (SUNCT).

They are considered to be rare, although the condition can be difficult to diagnose because there are different forms of TACs, and the symptoms may be confused with other types of headache disorder such as migraine.

One of the common symptoms of TACs, besides pain that is often excruciating, is agitation. This can make what is already a very unpleasant experience even more distressing and difficult to manage. Here’s a look at some strategies that may help people with this condition to find relief.

Understanding the link between TACs headaches and agitation

The link between headaches and agitation is not fully understood, but it may be simply a stress response triggered by the body as a coping mechanism. This can lead to restlessness, irritability and feelings of unease, causing the patient to pace about and be unable to sit or lie down.

The extreme pain that characterises TACs, particularly cluster headaches, may disrupt the body’s nervous system and cause heightened sensitivity that leads to agitation and restlessness.

People who suffer from cluster headaches, which occur in cycles and can have remittance periods of months or years, may also suffer from anxiety, which can lead to agitation and an inability to rest.

Coping mechanisms for headache with agitation

If you suspect that you have a TACs headache disorder, it’s essential to accurately describe your symptoms to a doctor to give yourself the best chance of correct diagnosis and treatment. Patients may also need to develop their individual coping mechanisms to help them manage symptoms such as agitation.

Pain relief

Some subtypes of TACs, particularly cluster headaches, are characterized by excruciating pain that may be brief, but can continue for up to three hours. Conventional painkillers such as ibuprofen will be ineffective, so it;s important to use prescribed analgesics. For cluster headaches, this is often sumatriptan injections.

Patients who do not respond to analgesics may be prescribed high doses of oxygen, which is delivered via a face mask that is worn for 15 to 20 minutes.

Alternative remedies

Non-medication treatments are unlikely to fully relieve the symptoms of severe headaches, but they can help to ease pain and also help the patient manage agitation, making the condition less overwhelming. The application of a hot or cold compress to the source of the pain may provide some degree of relief.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing may help to release tension and ease mental distress and agitation. This could include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation. A calming environment will also be beneficial, free from loud or repetitive sounds, hectic activity and bright lights.

If this is not possible, try using noise cancelling headphones and eye masks to reduce the level of environmental stimulation. Mental techniques such as mindfulness may be helpful to distract the mind from the pain and focus on another stimulus.

Prevention techniques

Often, people who experience TACs will notice certain triggers, so part of the coping strategy should include managing triggers to reduce the frequency of attacks. Keep a journal to record details such as what you were eating, drinking, or doing when your attacks commence.

Common triggers include alcohol, cigarette smoking, climbing to higher altitudes, bright lights, physical exertion, heat, recreational drugs, and foods that contain nitrates such as processed meats.

Seek professional help

TACs disorders and trigeminal neuralgia have shared involvement with the trigeminal nerve and, as such, both can be distressing and difficult to cope with. Some patients may require professional support to help them manage the symptoms.

If you would like more information about the treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia related conditions, please contact Mr. Matthias Radatz of Amethyst Radiotherapy.

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